Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks
The Yin Yang Principle

Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks - The Yin Yang Principle. How to fight well when you are being attacked from behind depends on two key factors.
Firstly, you move in the correct direction when being attacked. Secondly, and this is important, you can see what’s happening behind you in your fight for survival.
We teach a very simple system of self-defense when attacked from behind. Of course, you can’t fight or defend yourself if you can’t see the punch in the first place.
This means that self-defense starts with simple situational awareness. You must be aware of your surroundings, and more importantly, you must be aware of what is happening behind you. And Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks will address all this for you!
Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks
With that in mind, there are simple measures that you can take to avoid being caught unaware. For example, when walking in urban environments avoid walking close to doorways, entrances, or intersections with other pathways. These are potential choke spots where people can step out to follow or grab you. Another helpful self-defense tip requires that you use the reflections of glass, windows, and cars to see what is happening around or behind you.
Having said that, being ambushed from behind can be rare, especially when there are lots of people in the street around you. Therefore, we suggest that you don’t become overly paranoid when doing your local shopping. Simply awareness will suffice.
However, in the event that something should happen this course will help give you the knowledge and the self-defense steps that could make a difference if you are suddenly attacked from behind. Realistically, you will get punched in the face if someone runs up and attacks you from behind without any warning. So in this course, we look at ways to move and defend yourself if your attacker comes from behind. This gives you some chance to fight back.
Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks
The other aspect of this course called Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks is we will study the body mechanics of the attacker as it relates to the Yin Yang Principle of Kyusho Jutsu. This principle can be studied in depth and can be very powerful when you understand the concepts.
There are 15 Principles of Kyusho Jutsu and Yin Yang is but one. It is a principle that can be combined with other principles or it can stand on its own. In Module 7 of my Kyusho Jutsu Black Belt course, I go through the other principles, but in this course, I have combined the Yin Yang Principle with Rear Attacks. With this relation, you will begin to understand the principle better and be able to have greater control over your attacker.
Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks
In our Whiteboard lecture, I will discuss more on the Yin Yang Principle.
Join me in Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks Video Course, as I teach you the pressure points of the body and how to effectively use them with Rear Attacks to defend yourself from your attacker.
The objective of this course is to make you aware of the pressure point (Kyusho Jutsu) targets to move the odds of the fight in your favor.
TWO DOZEN drills and training exercises to help your understanding of using Pressure Points.
PDF Course Notes for additional reading and research.
A great course, over 3 hours of instructional video.
Thanks for reading about Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks and looking forward to seeing you on the inside.
Grand Master Ali

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It's about Learning
I have know Grand Master Ali for many many years. He is an amazing martial artist and outstanding humanitarian. I began promoting many of Grand Master Ali's course a few years ago because not only are they excellent, and very well researched but they also offer a different perspective from myself.
And this is very important!
Martial Art is a learning journey for life. A search for truth in a world of lies. And the more you learn the more blessed your life will be. And I am not talking about indoctrination here. But seeing many different views and using critical thinking to decide what is right for you!
Martial Arts training should not be looked at as an activity. It is rather a study. And a study that lasts for a lifetime. The world is in the trouble it is in today because people are not educated, they are indoctrinated. Therefore they regurgitate information that is not truth, but part of a narrative.
And the martial arts world has been affected by this also. Thus the believe that ring fighting and feats of physical prowess are the only way. There is no truth to this idea. These things have value, but are only a fraction of the entire picture.
Learning is for a lifetime.
How often have you heard someone say that they are "too old for" something? There is not truth to this as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks. Age is a state of mind.
Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms. Remember to "Never say Never" or "Niciodată să nu spui niciodată" in Romanian. You are never to old to learn, and as an example I am learning a language to the point of certifying as a speaker in my 60's. And I consider this to be part of my martial arts training!
Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks
And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing video course called Kyusho Jutsu Rear Attacks and are not happy within the first 30 days I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love this! Do you prefer eBook on Kosho, check here. And many other Great Courses By Grand Master Ali.
In my opinion this is today one of the most important courses you will ever purchase. As the violence on the streets of the failed western culture continue to escalate am edge is needed. Real continuing martial arts education has become a must. And I do as much as possible to bring you the best content you will find anywhere.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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