Kosho Triangulation Theory

* Kosho Triangulation Theory

Kosho Triangulation Theory: Welcome to video course 3 in the Kosho Core Concepts Series. In this series, I am devoting one course per foundational concept and theory, which allows you to learn and train at your pace.

I strongly suggest if you decide to do these out of order that you have completed the Introduction to Kosho Ryu Courses linked here. Without this, the information in this course will be very difficult to follow and apply. 

What is the Kosho Triangulation Theory? It is about understanding correct body mechanics and how the brain will natural seek centers during attacks.

These are natural laws and when ignored lead to potential injury and failure during an attack. 

However, once understood, you and your training become timeless. Age, size, or if you are male or female no longer apply. 

Kosho Triangulation Theory

This course will cover all aspects of the body mechanic and angles that are triangulation.  It is a focus on not just your personal body mechanics but also that of the attacker. Understanding this allows you to stay safely behind your center while you expose the attacker.

And this causes the attacker to enter a state of “wild energy” that makes him or her vulnerable to strikes, kicks, lock and throws.

This is a complex Kosho core concept, but you can train with this immediately and begin the understanding quickly.

What things are taught in the Kosho Triangulation Theory course?

  • What is centering and why it matters?
  • Seeing the triangles at all times that lead your strikes and counters.
  • The relation between Kata and the Kosho Core Concept of Triangulation
  • Creating a false center for your attack to focus on
  • Striking without the attacker knowing what is happening.
  • and much more.

This course is now released. And was right after the release of Kosho Skeletal Freeze Theory. This course is now online and ready for download.  I am sure you will love it!

The understanding of Triangulation is the TRUE understanding of how power is generated! It does NOT come from weight training or heavy bag work. This course will enhance all you do in the martial arts.

And if you are seeking books on Kosho Ryu you can find them here.

This, Kosho Triangulation Theory is a critical course, and concept on the path of the martial arts development. Martial Art training cannot just be physical. There must also always be a mental aspect, learning. We should learn and grow until we leave this life. And this course is a great place to begin the journey.

Train hard, so you can train hard and keep learning.

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