Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes

* Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes

As part of the Advanced Kosho Core Concepts Series comes Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes. Exploring the connection of Lower and Upper base.  The study of Kosho is very rich, with concepts, theories and principles. And one of these concepts, the understanding of the connection of upper and lower base. 

Martial Arts tends to focus ONLY on the horizontal plane. And with some vertical plane strikes, kicks added in.  What would happen if the Octagon was viewed as a 3 dimensional object rather then a 2 dimensional object. Martial arts training creates an illusion to the practitioner that their training with large motions will work in confined spaces. And all "fights" end up at a 3 foot or less distance.

There are many things you must learn to control, and the Vertical and Horizontal Planes are part of these. Plus learning to generate power from the lower to the upper base, and stop upper bases ONLY movement seen today. 

Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes

In this new advanced Kosho Ryu course called Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes I am going to examine in details the relations here. And you will learn to view the Octagon in a very differ way. And this all relates directly to the natural movement of every person, which is to move in a Zig/Zag pattern and falling motion. 

The course will help you to learn to move in a natural way! For some reason once we begin martial arts training we tend to become stiff and robotic like.  And you will see for the first time what the Octagon looks like as a 3 dimensional shape and not a 2 dimensional shape. This is all very powerful information.

What will be covered in Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes?
  • Vertical striking
  • Horizontal striking
  • Forced the opponent to switch planes
  • Understanding the forward motion of the opponent
  • J Shaped momentum
  • Controlling the incoming attacks
  • And much more!

This all new course is now online! This is a very advanced course and I strongly suggest that you have finished all the previous courses. Otherwise this information may go over your head.

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ONLY $49.97

Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes

Martial Arts training should not be looked at as an activity. It is rather a study. And a study that lasts for a lifetime. The world is in the trouble it is in today because people are not educated, they are indoctrinated. Therefore they regurgitate information that is not truth, but part of a narrative.

And the martial arts world has been affected by this also. Thus the believe that ring fighting and feats of physical prowess are the only way. There is no truth to this idea. These things have value, but are only a fraction of the entire picture.

Learning is for a lifetime.

How often have you heard someone say that they are "too old for" something? There is not truth to this as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes. Age is a state of mind.

Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms. Remember to "Never say Never" or "Niciodată să nu spui niciodată" in Romanian. You are never to old to learn, and as an example I am learning a language to the point of certifying as a speaker in my 60's. And I consider this to be part of my martial arts training! 

Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes

Kosho Ryu is the study of natural laws, and language is who we communicate and teach those laws. Age is a state of mind. But if you are trapped in the idea that martial arts is ONLY physical, a victory at a tournament then you grow old. Relegated to talking about the glory days at a Pizza Hut as Hanshi Juchnik states it. And this course on the Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes is an important part of learning and study. 

And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing video course called Kosho Concepts: Vertical and Horizontal Planes and are not happy within the first 30 days I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love this! Do you prefer eBook on Kosho, check here

My Journey in Kosho

Some believe that I am new to the study of Kosho Ryu and am trying to build a name for myself in this art. That is furthest thing from the truth. I began my Kosho Ryu journey in 2000 with Shidoshi Richard Buchan and continued after we parted ways. 

Kosho Ryu became a major part of everything we did in our art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido. And even the name Hon San Mu Sa is a Kosho reference. Old Pine Tree, where a monk was enlightened under a pine tree about Natural Laws.  For years I referred to the study as Octagon training until I recently realized I needed to honour the history of the art by remaining true to the linage. 

Kosho Ryu, in truth is now my root art, as I have been training in it longer than anything else including Hapkido. I do not study Kosho for the purpose of rank. I have enough rank. I study it for personal development and growth withing the arts. And to share that knowledge with all those interested in learning. 

Kosho Ryu has done for me exactly what I was seeking when I left my first teacher. The answer to the question of waht was missing in Hapkido. And how that learning translated to the streets. It is what makes Kyusho Jitsu, the science of pressure points street worthy. But to learn we must truly let go of the things we think we know and learn.

I hope you will join me on this journey. All knowledge is self knowledge, and Kosho Ryu is a true study of Natural Laws and therefore the self. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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