Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking

* Kosho Atemi Waza

Welcome to Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking. This is the 5th video course is my Kosho Core Concepts Series. Striking was taught wrong on purpose by the masters of old. The martial arts in general were taught wrong on purpose, as James Mitose stated.

And from what I have seen in my training in the first 16 years, I have to agree completely with his statement. And I first heard this statement from my first Kosho Ryu teacher, Shidoshi Rick Buchan.

The reasons are many, and in truth the reasons do not much matter. Only solutions do!

The important thing is we complete this teaching and correct what has been done wrong for decades.  And there is no time like the present to do this. 

After all, the martial arts is a journey of a lifetime! Learn should never stop.

Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking

In this video course called Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking, I am going to rebuild your thinking about striking or atemi. And I know you probably think you are OK now. So did I, and I was dead wrong. And this is not a bad thing!

Do you know most martial artists and boxers do not even make a correct fist? And the fist they made if used with impact will potentially permanently damage the hand.  But this will be corrected in this course.

Martial arts also know, aside from the above, how to strike. Good knife hands, palm strikes etc. But they do not know “WHEN” to strike, as to not take on the body mass of the attacker. This is the reason so many focus on building power in their strike, when it is simply not the answer.  If you miss with a power house strike, you create a void for the attacker to fill and then the fight is over, you lose! This is one of many errors seen today. And this is because you have been taught wrong. There was no malice in the teaching, the teacher was taught wrong as well.  Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking will correct this.

Excerpt from Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking the
 Atemi and Tuite Video

What is in this course, Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking?
  • How to use the Octagon to make striking effortless
  • Making the attacker walk into your strikes
  • Knowing WHEN to strike, when the attacker is vulnerable
  • Creating vulnerability to allow striking
  • How to avoid body mass
  • Using the lower base for power
  • Meridian Striking
  • Tuite or proper pressure point striking for the street not demonstrations.
  • Preemptive strikes
  • And much more!

The art of striking has in many ways become a lost art. Today, many experienced martial artist do not even make a mechanically correct fist. Then when striking with the fist, injuries occur and not to the aggressive party. And very importantly to note that when striking the opponent you want to do so when that body part is vulnerable, not when it is strong. Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking will address all of this!

This is the 5th in the Kosho Core Concepts Series. However, you can do these courses in any order. However, I do suggest you do the Introduction to Kosho Ryu first. After this, the choices are yours. 

This course is now online and ready for download. And I am confident you will love it!

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Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking

Martial Arts training should not be looked at as an activity. It is rather a study. And a study that lasts for a lifetime. The world is in the trouble it is in today because people are not educated, they are indoctrinated. Therefore, they regurgitate information that is not truth, but part of a narrative.

And the martial arts world has been affected by this as well. Thus, they believe that ring fighting and feats of physical prowess are the only way. There is no truth to this idea. These things have value, but are only a fraction of the entire picture.

Learning is for a lifetime.

How often have you heard someone say that they are “too old for” something? There is no truth to this as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking. Age is a state of mind.

Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms. Remember to “Never say Never” or “Niciodată să nu spui niciodată” in Romanian. You are never too old to learn, and as an example, I am learning a language to the point of certifying as a speaker in my 60s. And I consider this to be part of my martial arts training!

Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking

Kosho Ryu is the study of natural laws, and language is who we communicate and teach those laws. Age is a state of mind. But if you are trapped in the idea that martial arts is ONLY physical, a victory at a tournament, then you grow old. Relegated to talking about the glory days at a Pizza Hut, as Hanshi Juchnik states it. And this course on the Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking and Concepts of Kosho Ryu is an important part of learning and study. 

And the best part, if you purchase this essential and amazing video course called Kosho Atemi Waza: The Art of Striking and are not happy within the first 30 days, I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love this! Do you prefeeBook on Kosho, check here

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep learning.

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