Introduction to Quantum Kyusho Jitsu

An Introduction to Quantum Kyusho Jitsu
What is Quantum Kyusho Jitsu? It is a revolutionary new look at the science of pressure point self-defense and its applications. First, let's take a laymen's look at the world of Quantum Physics.
Quantum Physics, to put it very simply, is the study of possibilities. It states that at a subatomic level, things are not exactly as we tend to think they are.
And that it is “observation” that brings things into what we see and comprehend in our physical reality.
All things, no matter how dense they appear to be are energy, wave of possibility. This gives tremendous power to the mind!
The Human Body is essentially a biomechanical electric suit that we inhabit. Whether we understand how we work or we do not, the human body functions because of the electrical system we call “nerves.” What if we can have a bigger effect on this system than we first imagined?
Quantum Kyusho Jitsu and the Body
The human body is a complicate mechanism. The energy we call “Chi” or “Ki” flows in multiple directions, throughout the entire system. From the skin to deep within the tissues. The balance of water and other compositions like minerals make this all possible! Then all of this is guided by thought.
Thoughts we don't think about, unconscious control. What if we could “disrupt” this? How important would that be in a self-defense situation?
The science of pressure point self-defense is truly a revolutionary addition to anyone's martial art or self-defense system. However, many times, being able to strike exact points on the body can be a challenge! The attacker is naturally moving, and in a very aggressive posture! What if there was an easier? What if there is a more effective way to apply Kyusho Jitsu?
Well, there is. Quantum Kyusho Jitsu.
Down the Rabbit Hole
I have been researching better methods of applying the science of pressure point self-defense seriously for about 8 years. This study helped me to create the Dim Mak Project as well as a Level Six Kyusho Jitsu Instructor Certification Course. But there was still something missing.
Until Now….
I have now assembled the information for the highest possible learning of Kyusho, this is what I am calling Quantum Kyusho Jitsu. Are you interesting in taking everything you have learned about the pressure points, and applying this information in a way that will yield a result that will leave you speechless?
Then keep reading.
Introduction to Quantum Kyusho Jitsu
On Canada Day, July 1st 2018, I released the first video in a series on Quantum Kyusho Jitsu. What is demonstrated in this video will take your understanding of everything Kyusho Jitsu and Self Defense to an entirely different level.
Are you intrigued? This will be a revolution in Kyusho Jitsu Study, training, and application.
Buy this Amazing Video for
ONLY $39.97.
Kyusho Jitsu is not a martial art but rather a study. Originally, pressure point study existed in all martial art styles. But in modern time, the teaching of children and sport have watered down these once deadly arts.
Martial arts should be a lifetime journey of the self, not an activity. But the great news is there is no reason you cannot continue to grow and develop. And a course like Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Introduction is a great place to begin!
Learning is for a lifetime.
How often have you heard someone say that they are “too old for” something? There is no truth to this, as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Introduction. Age is a state of mind.
Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms. Remember to “Never say Neve” or “Niciodată să nu spui Niciodată” in Romanian.
You are never too old to learn, and as an example, I am learning a language to the point of certifying as a speaker in my 60s. And I consider this to be part of my martial arts training!
And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing video course called Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Introduction and are not happy within the first 30 days, I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love this. Do you prefer eBook on Kosho, check here?
Furthermore, refer to our main page for an index of all Kyusho Jitsu Video Courses.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.
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