Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND

Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND is a nee course in the Beyond Healing series of courses from Grand Master Myhammad Ali. This course, Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND is truly a must for everyone and is a family-oriented course.
To quote Meher Baba:-
"A mind that is fast is sick. A mind that is slow is sound. A mind that is still is divine."
The above quotation is the basis of this entire course.
Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND
To reach a Divine state of the Mind, we must first learn how to slow down our mind to the point that it is standing still. Certainly, in today's world, of busy and fast-paced lives this will prove to be a challenge for most people. However, with proper training and guidance, it can be achievable.
So why would you choose a Divine Mind?
It is very simple, to reach a level of closeness to God, Our Creator, that enables us to tap into His Guidance. For Him to open more doors of knowledge for us to enter through.
This is one of the greatest of all gifts that we can receive from Almighty God, the gift of knowledge.
Now, you may be asking, well hey, I can read the encyclopedia and gain all sorts of knowledge.
Yes, you are correct, but this is not the knowledge that we seek. We seek a "Special" kind of knowledge that God does not hand out to everyone. You can say it is a special ability, the ability to determine between Truth and Falsehood.
Depending upon which Guru or Master that you choose to listen to, their interpretation of a Divine Mind will differ.
My objective with this course, Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND is several, first to teach you, through a series of special customized exercises to increase your Mind's Focus, while at the same time, lowering your Heartbeat. There is a direct connection between the Mind and the Heart, which then impacts the body. So if we can control the two (Mind and Heart) it will show in our body and our health.
The second objective, through a specific set of breathing exercises, is to help us reach a place of peace and serenity between us and our Creator so that he can open doors of "Special" knowledge to us, whenever we need it.
Third, to increase the Chi (Electrical) Energy that flows through our body. This expansion of Chi, will reverse the age of time and make us younger but also help to heal our bodies.
This course is 10 weeks of training that builds upon the previous week for a desired outcome. A Divine Mind. For some people, it may take 10 weeks, for some 10 months the duration and results will be directly proportional to their efforts.
As I mentioned at the onset, Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND is a family-oriented course, and I highly recommend involving your spouse and children. The exercises are simple and even an 8-year-old can do them easily and well.
During my own personal Chi Energy training, I have involved my family from the onset and our energy keeps getting stronger and stronger. I have used the same breathing techniques with them and the results speak for themselves. With practice and time, you and your family will be more relaxed, and calm, and will be able to handle stressful situations with ease. This course Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND is a must study!
So if you are ready to set forth on this journey to the path that few have been, please join my course Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND.
Thank You so much
Grand Master Ali

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It's about Learning
I have known Grand Master Ali for many years. He is an amazing martial artist and an outstanding humanitarian. I began promoting many of Grand Master Ali's courses a few years ago because not only are they excellent, and very well researched, but they also offer a different perspective from myself.
And this is significant!
Martial Art is a learning journey for life. A search for truth in a world of lies. And the more you learn, the more blessed your life will be. And I am not talking about indoctrination here. But seeing many views and using critical thinking to decide what is right for you!
Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND
Martial Arts training should not be looked at as an activity. It is rather a study. And a study that lasts for a lifetime. The world is in the trouble it is in today because people are not educated, they are indoctrinated. Therefore, they regurgitate information that is not truth, but part of a narrative.
And the martial arts world has been affected by this as well. Thus, they believe that ring fighting and feats of physical prowess are the only way. There is no truth to this idea. These things have value, but are only a fraction of the entire picture.
Learning is for a lifetime.
How often have you heard someone say that they are “too old for” something? There is no truth to this, as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND. Age is a state of mind.
Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms. Remember to “Never say Never” or “Niciodată să nu spui niciodată” in Romanian. You are never too old to learn, and as an example, I am learning a language to the point of certifying as a speaker in my 60s. And I consider this to be part of my martial arts training!
Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND
And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing video course called Beyond Healing with DIVINE MIND and are not happy within the first 30 days, I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love this. Do you prefer eBook on Kosho, check here? And many other Great Courses By Grand Master Ali.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.
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